This quote of the week builds off of the news last week and my post from yesterday on steroid injections and telling a friend about chiropractic because it may save their life. As a relatively new resident to eau claire and chippewa falls sometimes I am a little shy and even at church I tend to keep to myself and I find that most people are like me in that they are not openly outspoken to strangers or individuals they haven’t met. The problem with that is that it trains you to not speak your mind when you are around family and friends. I found that this morning while treating a patient that we usually discuss the weekend and life that I went out on a limb and discussed the news of the fungal meningitis breakout due to steroid injections and she hadn’t heard of it. In fact her husband receives these injections and she was glad that we discussed it. So again please allow this quote to speak to you about keeping an open mind and hopefully your family and friends do as well because if you can discuss the news and the alternative treatment options i.e. chiropractic you may just save a life and at the very least have an intelligent conversation.
Read more articles about the recent news below or look at the post from yesterday here: Fungal Meningitis from spinal steroid injections kills…could chiropractic have prevented this? (
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