Have you ever wondered about the difference between Lake Hallie and Chippewa Falls or Eau Claire? If you are new to the Village of Lake Hallie welcome, if you have lived here for a while hey friend, and if you are just researching our lovely village good luck! Keep reading to learn how a local chiropractor discusses Lake Hallie and all of its uniqueness.

I, Dr. Broghan Reilly, am a chiropractor that practices in the Village of Lake Hallie, but what does that even mean. As a chiropractor I am familiar with dealing on the edges of “normal”. Chiropractors are often referred to as Alternative care practitioners and if there ever was a place that was on the edge of normal and may be categorized as alternative then Lake Hallie is it. Don’t get me wrong I love the village and the people that reside here. Lake Hallie is an old area of the Chippewa valley and keeps things simple. Lake Hallie does not have a school, a post office, or even a sewer system. Lake Hallie is as close to a rural small town as you can get, yet somehow the Village of Lake Hallie has a Police Department, Fire Department, Village town hall, Roads department. Other than my prestigious chiropractic office, Reilly Chiropractic, Lake Hallie has a multitude of high profile businesses including a Wal-Mart, Farm and Fleet, McDonald’s, and many more. When I first moved to the area I struggled to identify with Lake Hallie or Chippewa Falls since I didn’t grow up around here. As a chiropractor while dealing with marketing I even discovered that Google didn’t know what to do with our area up until recently. How weird is it that we are in fact a separate entity but instead of having our own zip code we borrow/share/piggyback a zip code with not 1 but 2 of the larger cities adjacent to us, Chippewa Falls and Eau Claire? After practicing chiropractic in Lake Hallie for a decade I have come to discover two things:
- Nobody seems to care about the difference
- Everybody that lives in the Village likes the difference
If you ask people about the difference between Lake Hallie and Chippewa Falls most could give you a vague description of what separates the two, but would immediately ask you where you are from. The thing that most people secretively love is that the Village of Lake Hallie has lower taxes than most of the surrounding cities. Seriously check it out here, the village of lake hallie and all the chiropractors and residents of it pay between $4 to $7 less per $1000 of property than the rest of the Chippewa Valley. I believe the village achieves this by outsourcing projects and work as much as possible while maintaining a “small town rural” feel of government. I grew up in a small town, population 211 Ogdensburg, WI, and wanted to practice in a similar area. A place where people know your name and say hello when they see you out and about, Lake Hallie is perfect.
Being a chiropractor I am privileged to meet many people on a daily basis and get to know the community of Lake Hallie and Chippewa Falls. If you are ever wanting to discuss Lake Hallie and its uniqueness stop by Reilly Chiropractic and we can chat. Interestingly my office is the boundary between Lake Hallie and Chippewa Falls, the Country Inn and Suites behind our office is in the City of Chippewa Falls but Reilly Chiropractic is in the Village of Lake Hallie.