Most Affordable Chiropractic office in Chippewa Valley

Are you asking if you can still see a Chiropractor without insurance?

The short answer to this question is ABSOLUTELY! At Reilly Chiropractic we firmly believe that everyone deserves health and chiropractic care.  We offer a multitude of different options to help our patient’s receive care.  Below lists a discount that the majority of our patient’s that do not have insurance take advantage of.  Please see the following pages for additional information:

Reilly Chiropractic Services and Fees

Time of Service Payment Discounts and High Deductible plans –  One of the things that is unknown by most consumers is that “CASH IS KING”.  In the medical world the rules don’t change in fact most private offices and businesses will offer a consumer or patient a discount for using cash.  In order to be compliant with insurance networks and regulations our office is allowed to offer our patient’s a discount for paying at the time they receive the service known as a “Time of Service Discount – TOS“.  Many people with high deductibles actually elect to utilize this option so that they don’t have to pay the full rate and deal with billing and submitting to their insurance.  Anyone is allowed to take advantage of our time of service discount however there are three additional forms that must be signed in that case.  Our TOS – Time of Service Payment Discount is 40% off of our standard rates.



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