Chiropractor Eau Claire, WI gives a Quote of the week 9.10 – 9.14.2012 .
With the start of September and the turning of a season many people focus on getting back on a routine and getting organized before the winter freeze. As a chiropractor that means lawn work and back pain, insulation and back pain, seating at sporting events on bleachers and back and neck pain, all around there are many things that with the turning of the season bring back pain. Even worse though are the people that have never been to the chiropractor and have never had back pain along with the people that haven’t been for a long time because they “feel fine”. These people are the ones that are a ticking time bomb and to be frankly honest a gold mine for any chiropractor chippewa falls or a chiropractor eau claire . I think it is pretty ironic that most of my wellness maintenance patients have had to go through two or three flare ups before they realize the concept of wellness. It is as if when I tell someone you should come back for good spinal hygiene they think I am speaking ONLY to their wallet and don’t care about their health. If I was solely thinking about making a buck I would tell everyone to only come back when it hurts and I would make loads of money like the Emergency Room does one visit and hundrends if not thousands of dollars. Well hopefully this chiropractors quote of the week helps you to realize that you don’t have to go through the experiences to understand and see the truth of chiropractic wellness care and good spinal hygiene. It allows you to get through your new and rigorous fall schedule back pain free. Read this quote and share it with someone in Chippewa Falls, Lake Hallie, Cadott, Eau Claire area and help them turn their life around with chiropractic and a positive attitude. I hope to meet you in my office and show you how our office is honest and true to being the best chiropractor in the chippewa valley.
“The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.”
Jean Paul