
Category: Treatment

Taking a Stand Against Opioids

Taking a Stand Against Opioids

Keyword(s): against opioids Lake Hallie and Chippewa Falls Meta description: About 30 years ago, the medical community shifted how they thought pain should be addressed. “Pain is a 5th vital sign” became a rallying cry, and new medications were created to block pain… at all costs. It’s past time we take a stand against opioids. […]

Keeping Your Spinal Discs Healthy

disk health disc

Keyword(s): spinal disc health Bottom Line: Ain’t no one got time for back pain! Proactively doing things today to help your spinal discs stay healthy in the future is a smart idea. Every day, your spinal discs absorb stress related to gravity, your posture, and your movement patterns. Over time, this stress can cause wear […]

eau claire 54703 chiropractors open mind quote of the week 10.8 – 10.12 referencing steroid injection complications and alternative treatment options

This is an Eau Claire, WI Chiropractors open mind quote of the week 10.8 – 10.12 referencing steroid injection complications and alternative treatment options. This quote of the week builds off of the news last week and my post from yesterday on steroid injections and telling a friend about chiropractic because it may save their life.  […]

chippewa chiropractor coins “BBB” and discusses healthy shoveling habits

WHAT does BBB mean? The triple BeeBee “BBB” also known as “Be Better Bilaterally” was coined by chippewa chiropractor, Dr.Broghan J. Reilly.  The downfall to the shoveling snow is that it is a unilateral motion, meaning that it only uses half of the body’s muscles.  Simply put if you do anything one sided eventually you […]