Looking for Organic Fruits and Vegetables in Chippewa Falls, Lake Hallie, and Eau Claire? Chippewa Falls Chiropractor – Reilly Chiropractic states
“Dr. Reilly of Reilly Chiropractic discusses Organic Fruits and Vegetables in Chippewa Falls, Lake Hallie, and Eau Claire. Call 715-723-2892 to make an appointment today. For more great articles subscribe to the blog and facebook. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
I recently discussed purchasing organic produce with many of my patient’s when the Environmental Working Group came out with the 2011 Dirty Dozen list of fruits and vegetables that should be consumed only if they are organic. After discussing healthy eating and diet with these patient’s they asked how much it would cost and where to go, this is what I found out.

I visited Mega Foods West Eau Claire, Gordy’s County Market Hastings Way, Just Local Foods Downtown Eau Claire, Phoenix Park Farmers Market Downtown Eau Claire, Festival Foods South Side Eau Claire, Hahn’s Market North Eau Claire / Lake Hallie, and the Blue Strawberry Stands around the Chippewa Valley.
Generally speaking I found out that it is a close call between Festival Foods and Hahn’s Market for the widest selection and best price of organic produce in the Chippewa Valley. I personally prefer Hahn’s Market since the store is primarily composed of organic products and it has a small hometown feel to it. I discovered that Gordy’s County Market and Mega Foods were relatively similar in selection and price. Another reason that I liked Hahn’s Market was that the organic section was easy to find and well labeled, they even included a list of the Dirty Dozen above the organic produce section. Just Local foods is a great shop and I like that it supports the local farmers and community however I did find there prices to be slightly higher then the other stores. Just Local is totally organic or NS meaning “Not Sprayed” which makes it easier to shop healthy.
In general I found that organic food was slightly more expensive by 30 cents or so, however in some instances I found that organic produce was the same price or cheaper (like with organic grapes from Hahn’s Market compared to non-organic grapes from Mega Foods; and organic pears from Festival compared to non-organic pears from Gordy’s). I am not a believer that if you don’t eat totally organic you will get cancer or die, but when organic is cheaper or the same price as non-organic produce it is stupid to not by the organic.
I further discovered that the BEST place to go for your ORGANIC PRODUCE in the CHIPPEWA VALLEY is….your local farmers market. I visited the Phoenix Park farmers market and they were significantly cheaper sometimes by a minimum of .50 cents but sometimes as much as $3 could be saved. WARNING: Not all farmers market produce is organic!! WARNING 2: Not all produce that doesn’t say organic will cause cancer. In the end I asked all of the vendors whether they sprayed their produce or not and many of them stated that they didn’t “NS not sprayed” and some stated that they did, obviously you will need to take their word for it but you should be able to taste and see the difference in most cases.
In the end the only true way to know if your food has been sprayed or not is to either grow it yourself or to by USDA organic; personally I trust my community members when I asked them face to face and their produce supported their claims. <em>Note the blue strawberry stands around the Chippewa Valley also stated that they are not organic however they are NS “not sprayed”. ”
© Reilly Chiropractic, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
My husband and I recently moved to Wisconsin from Colorado. I used to shop at Sprouts, for my organic produce and meats. My husband’s co workers say the produce here is perfectly healthy, but I have my doubts. When I ask the farmers if it is GMO they don’t even know what I mean. They do say they are “sprayed a little” I’m just not feeling satisfied with their answers. I’m very concerned about what I’m eating here and there aren’t a lot of alternatives. I can order dry goods online, but I still need a good weekly place to buy organic produce and meats. I don’t want to have to run all around just to get the weekly groceries. And yes I saw Festival and such, but they are so limited in their stock. Any suggestions for produce, meat and dry goods in 1 location?
Gail –
Thanks for your comment you can try to look at this and contact the farmers directly. There really isn’t a good store that carries all the products necessary within an affordable range that I have found. A lot of people like Just Local Foods in downtown Eau Claire but I recommend contacting the farmers directly you will likely have one in near you that will be able to help or refer you to someone else. This is a good starting point: http://www.wifarmfresh.org/