Category: Disk Pain

Pro Tips to Keep Spinal Discs Healthy

Lake Hallie - Pro Tips to Keep Your Spinal Discs Healthy

Keywords: work related neck and back pain, chiropractor specializing in neck and back pain in Lake Hallie and Chippewa Falls, WI   Bottom Line: Not everyone spends their entire week preparing to “play on Sunday.” Our “big game” for the week is more likely to take place in a conference room or on a Zoom […]

What Causes Low Back Pain?

What causes low back pain

Bottom Line: Low back pain is the number one reason people worldwide visit their doctor and miss work. If you’ve dealt with it in the past (or maybe even right now), you know back pain can change your life in an instant. Not being able to enjoy hobbies, difficulty in your ability to work, and […]

Keeping Your Spinal Discs Healthy

disk health disc

Keyword(s): spinal disc health Bottom Line: Ain’t no one got time for back pain! Proactively doing things today to help your spinal discs stay healthy in the future is a smart idea. Every day, your spinal discs absorb stress related to gravity, your posture, and your movement patterns. Over time, this stress can cause wear […]