Looking for help with FOOT PAIN and Treatment? This Chippewa Falls Chiropractor – Reilly Chiropractic states how he has helped Shin Splints Ankle Pain:
“I wanted to discuss a case that I had so that I can continue to help benefit the Chippewa Valley community. I saw a patient for free as part of our military care program and the patient had brought up a complaint about shin splints. The patient had been seeing me for about two months and had received great results for back pain, however had no relief of the shin splints. After an appropriate consultation I discovered that the patient had been to see a physical therapist, a podiatrist, a medical doctor, and a physiatrist all of whom told the patient that he had shin splints and that they should get better. The patient had tried physical therapy, orthotics, and medication without results. The patient has been suffering with this complaint for a little over two years and is now to the point that the patient can no longer run and can barely walk at a fast pace.
After our detailed examination, gait analysis, and palpation of the region we discovered multiple issues with the patient’s lower extremity. In a manner of minutes we were able to give the patient an accurate diagnosis of lateral peroneal tendonitis (lateral shin splints) associated with subluxation of the ankle mortise joint and the calcaneous bilaterally. This was complicated by weakened intrinsic ankle musculature and improper shoe wear. After adjusting the patient’s foot and ankle, advising him on proper foot wear, showing him strengthening exercises, and a taping procedure that took five minutes that patient was able to jog up and down the hallway without complaint, something the patient hadn’t been able to do in over a year.
As you can see Reilly Chiropractic, although commonly assumed to treat the spine and nervous system, was able to solve a lower leg issue without treating the spine. If you have foot pain, ankle pain, shin pain, leg pain, knee pain, thigh pain, or hip pain call Reilly Chiropractic and see Dr. Reilly today!! 715-723-2892”

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Like your post. Chiropractors do much more than work on the back. Sound like great results working with shin splints. Being able to jog again after a year is very impressive. Keep up the great work.